Korona virus - Covid-19
Korona virus - Covid-19
Dragi studenti,
COVID-19 trenutno hara Evropom i svetom.
S obzirom na veoma evolutivan karakter epidemije, stalo nam je do toga da vas informižemo o preporukama koje je izadalo Ministarstvo zdravlja i solidarnosti Francuske (MSS).
- Redovno perite ruke ili koristite hidro-alkoholni rastvor;
- Izbegavajte rukovanje, zagrljaje i ljubljenje;
- Upotrebljavajte maramice za jednokratnu upotrebu;
- Kašljite i kijajte na rukav u visini lakta;
- Izbegavajte sve neizbežne izlaske (velike skupove, restorane…);
- Ostanite kod kuće ukoliko ste bolesni;
- Ne nosite masku ako niste bolesni.
Studenti koji se vraćaju iz zemalja gde virus hara (osim iz kineske provincije Hubei) mogu da se vrate u svoje visokoobrazovne ustanove, ali su pozvani da izbegavaju javne događaje i mesta okupljanja i da prate svoje stanje (merenje temperature dva puta dnevno).
Studenti koji borave u « klasterima » (zonama gde virus u Francuskoj aktivno hara) mole se da izbegavaju kretanje izvan zone, osim u neophodnim slučajevima, i da ne odlaze na svoje visokoobrazovne ustanove izvan zone.
Stupite u kontakt sa Hitnom pomoći SAMU (okrenite broj 15) ukoliko dolazite iz zone gde ste bili izloženi virusu i imate sledeće simptome: groznicu, kašalj i respiratorne tegobe (pre ovako nego da odete kod lekara ili u hitnu pomoć)
Slobodno stupite u kontakt sa svojom visokoobrazovnom ustanovom koja će moći da vas informiše i uputi na neophodne mere.
Zone gde je povećano izlaganje virusu COVID-19 mogu rapidno da evoluiraju. Za vašu informaciju, na raspolaganju su vam:
- Informativni sajt Vlade : https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus
- Saveti za putnike Ministarstva za Evropu i spoljne poslove: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/
- FAQ (Često postavljana pitanja) Svetske zdravstvene organizacije: https://www.who.int/fr/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
- Zeleni broj (0 800 130 000) Ministarstva zdavlja i solidarnosti
Dear Students,
As you are undoubtedly aware, the COVID-19 is currently circulating throughout the world.
In line with French Health Ministerial recommendations, we ask that you adopt the following measures:
- Wash regularly your hands and use antibacterial gel
- Avoid physical contact (handshakes, kisses, hugs)
- Throw out your handkerchief after every single use
- Cough and sneeze in your elbow
- Avoid any non-indispensable gathering
- Stay at home if you feel sick
- Do not wear a chirurgical mask if you are not sick
If you return from a strongly affected country (with the exception of Hubei province in China), you can go back to your place of study but we invite you to stay away of public events. Please do monitor the apparition of potential symptoms of infection (cough, breathing difficulties…).
If you live within a “cluster” in France (a zone where the virus is currently circulating), we invite you not to go outside of the area, unless you are required to. Do not go to your university if it is located outside of the area.
Please contact French emergency health services (SAMU, dial 15) should you show signs of any of the following symptoms (fever, cough and breathing difficulties), instead of visiting a doctor or emergency room.
If you have any concern or questions, we encourage you to contact your academic advisor or academic secretariat within your institution for advice and guidance.
Please note that the concerned regions can evolve and that we are monitoring the situation very closely. To be fully informed about the epidemic and the prophylactic measures requested, please consult:
- https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 (in English)
- https://w ww.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus (in French)
- Ministry of Health hotline: 0 800 130 000